Amidst the uncertainty of the pandemic and the shift to remote work in the past year, CorVel has prioritized engagement and connection within our organization to foster a team-based work environment, encourage continued innovation, and combat feelings of burnout among employees.
Similar to how we’ve maintained our company culture, we have proactively maintained our relationships with clients by creating new opportunities to connect virtually. To engage with customers and strengthen our partnerships, we have hosted various events and meetings over the last year. We have kept our partners informed through a series of webinars, collaborated during virtual lunch meetings, and enjoyed special events, like virtual wine tasting.
Last month, for instance, we hosted a virtual meeting week with our clients and partners where we had the opportunity to:
- Showcase service enhancements
- Demo our proprietary claims system CareMCEdgeSM
- Meet and greet with CorVel’s Leadership team
Though we have begun to meet again in person with current prospects and clients, we will continue to find new innovative ways to engage with our partners, as we have experienced the value of virtual connection and believe ongoing communication and collaboration is key to a successful partnership.
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Our team is ready to answer any questions and help you find the right solutions.